Bamboo Rocks: Unveiling the New Fall Line of Bamboo T-shirts at Our Virtual “Merch Booth”

If you think Bamboo rocks, then you'll love our latest t-shirt design. Inspired by rock band t-shirts, we are excited to reveal our latest bamboo "merch," designed for Bamboo roadies and fans around the world. Hotter than Lady GaGa's meat outfit, our latest Bamboo t-shirt comes in not one, but TWO awesome colors – Grunge Gray and, of course, Bamboo Green.  Coveted by end users, administrators, and SharePoint "rock stars" alike, the legendary Bamboo t-shirt has been known to create mass hysteria at SharePoint conferences, recalling an era before Ticketmaster was online.  The power of a cool t-shirt cannot be understated!

OK, I think you get the point.  As hard as we work here at Bamboo, we play equally hard as well. You've seen our videos, read some goofy blog posts and yes, you know we love t-shirts. You can't imagine what a fresh batch of t-shirts does for morale.  Now, as fun as it is to get the final product, the other half of the equation is the "fun" we have designing them.   

Bamboo ShirtsBut first, let me ask you something: How many "conference" t-shirts do you have at home at the bottom of an overstuffed drawer? That's right, I know your dirty little secret. The SharePoint industry has been secretly providing you with shirts to mow the grass in, sleep in, and, well, maybe even to wax your car with.  While I really hope there isn't an errant Bamboo shirt in that mix, I am pleased to unveil our latest t-shirt design, one that I'm certain will earn "favorite SharePoint t-shirt" status for at least 25 Bamboo Nation readers (more on this later).

Arriving at a new, community-pleasing design is no, excuse the pun, little feat.  I've lived through no less than 5 t-shirt design rounds and each of them brings out the best and the worst in our staff.  Here are real comments I have received:

"Make our logo as big as possible, cover the entire back with it"

 "Will this show armpit sweat?"

 "How about a large panda on it?"

"Just make it white.  I need a white t-shirt for tennis"

Oh yes, everyone seems to have an opinion, which is exactly what I love about marketing.  I'm kidding. Picking a design pits cotton versus organic, men versus women, jorts versus the finely pressed dress shirt and flip flops versus Jimmy Choos. Don't expect everyone to agree on one design!  

So, knowing this challenge awaited me, imagine my excitement when we discovered, at the beginning of our design effort, that the next Project Runway star was working right here at Bamboo… as a summer intern!  Currently a student at George Mason University (go Patriots!) and, though possibly more familiar with Greek Week than Fashion Week, our newfound designer had all the credentials we were looking for – cool, young, techie… and available on the cheap.  While his usual gig is studying, he makes time to indulge in one of his passions: designing awesome t-shirts.   

With experience on our side, we whittled down a few very smart designs to a simple, yet universally appealing one that met our tasteful requirements – keep it simple, make it green and by all means, don't let it end up as a rag for someone's car.

So, let's give it up for our summer intern!  And, let's raise our lighters for the back-up talent, our most generous and awesome custom t-shirt printer, Reston Shirt and Graphics.  Yes, you can find cheap screen printed t-shirts on the Web, but don't be fooled; the quality (or lack thereof) of the material will be of a piece with the cheap price.  Reston Shirt and Graphics helped us to refine our design, and sourced high-quality shirts that wash well, feel good and look fantastic. 

By now, you're probably asking, "How do I get my hands on one of these new Bamboo t-shirts?" There's no need to camp out for days or pay a scalper, just be one of the first 25 people to respond to this post as described below, and we'll send you a FREE shirt.  You'll be among the first to rock the new Bamboo look.  Just ask one of the 25 lucky customers who got new t-shirts this week by simply participating in last month's Bamboo Customer Survey

Here's what you need to do.  Simply leave a comment on my blog post by telling us either:

  1. Why you love Bamboo, or
  2. How a particular product is helping you achieve your goals, or
  3. What new SharePoint product you'd most like to see offered from Bamboo.

After you post your reply, make sure you send us your name, your company name, your shirt size/color, a valid mailing address and phone number.  Of course, you can always look for Bamboo staffers at upcoming SharePoint events, and you may be lucky enough to walk away with a t-shirt.  
