Bamboo is on the Road with The Evolution Conference Roadshow

Bamboo is on the road with The Evolution Conference Roadshow! The flight was long but we made it to Manchester! Once we arrived, Account Manager Bob Young, Solutions Director Julie Auletta, Senior Technical Services Consultant Sue Magnuson, and I got on a train to Cardiff. For those unfamiliar with UK geography, the two cities are not particularly close. The train ride was three hours long but it was a beautiful ride through the countryside – a beautiful ride that Bob missed sleeping. We arrived at the St. David Hotel and Spa here in Cardiff and immediately hit the streets to get some food and enjoy our afternoon in the city. We strolled through the streets and saw Cardiff Castle and got to learn about the city’s industrial past. Soon after, it was time for us to sleep. 6:00 am isn’t so bad when you’ve had 10 hours of sleep.

We’ve just finished lunch here in Cardiff and are halfway through the day. Look for session posts coming soon!