Bamboo Introduces the Product of the Month: Take Calendaring on SharePoint to New Heights at a Special Promotional Rate

At Bamboo, our goal is to provide the enhanced capabilities and solutions you need to get the most out of your SharePoint environment. In an effort to help maximize your organization’s investment in SharePoint, we’re launching an all-new promotional program to help you save on your purchase of Bamboo’s most popular products! Each month, we’ll be spotlighting a product from our extensive portfolio of more than 70 components, applications, and suites as the Product of the Month!

All this April, we’re here to help enhance your organization’s SharePoint calendaring experience offering you a 10% discount when you purchase our April Product of the MonthCalendar Plus. Calendar Plus
offers the perfect opportunity to go beyond the basic building blocks of SharePoint out-of-the-box and start providing users with a more complex solution for calendaring on SharePoint. From visually communicating important deadlines to keeping your events and initiatives on track, Calendar Plus offers the features you need to successfully view data from multiple lists in the same calendar in a number of different views including Day, Week, Work Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Gantt, and more.  In addition, when you invest in Bamboo products such as Calendar Plus, you get instant access to user forums, product documentation online, hosted
sandboxes, and more.

Are you ready to start taking calendaring on SharePoint to new heights? Contact us or check out our products!