Bamboo Gearing Up for the European SharePoint Best Practices Conference

The European SharePoint Best Practices Conference kicks off this Monday morning and will run through Wednesday the 13th at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London, just steps from Westminster Abbey.  Icelandic volcanoes notwithstanding, Bamboo will be represented at the Conference no fewer than five staffers including Emily Bien and Wes Bryan joining yours truly from our U.S. headquarters, and Gina Kyriakopoulou and Miriam Maggi representing our European operations.  Needless to say, if you’re attending, all means, please stop  the Bamboo booth and say “hello.”

Since I was all but chained to the booth at the Conference last year while my colleagues were all grounded the ash cloud, I’m very much looking forward to having my pick of the sessions to cover this year.  I’ve got five tracks to choose from this year:  IT Pro, Developers and Designers, Information Worker, Business Strategy and Adoption, and a new Community Track offering which promises “the opportunity to hear from the UK User Group Community with stories and tales from the trenches covering their experience of implementing SharePoint 2007 and 2010, success stories, where things went wrong and how they were put right and not necessarily using SharePoint or out of the box functionality to make it right.”

As always, I’d like to catch at least one session in each of the tracks.  Sessions I’m currently planning to attend (and which I’ll be blogging, of course) include:

  • Keynote: Microsoft’s Chris Johnson
  • SharePoint 2010 Developer’s Mythbusters: Mirjam van Olst
  • Best Practice for organising documents in SharePoint 2010: Agnes Molnar
  • Best Practices for Deploying Project Server 2010 on SharePoint Server 2010: Rolly Perreaux
  • The secrets of successful Enterprise Social Computing with SharePoint 2010: Symon Garfield
  • Understanding the steps necessary for building an Information Architecture for your organization: Bill English
  • Planning extranet environments with SharePoint 2010: Michael Noel
  • Preparing for SharePoint 2010 and real world experiences: Paul Grimley
  • Developing social applications with SharePoint 2010: Matthew McDermott

We hope to see you in London next week, but if you can’t attend the Conference, we hope that you’ll be reading Bamboo’s coverage of the show from the comfort of your own office.


Read our complete coverage of the European SharePoint Best Practices Conference:

  • Matthew McDermott on ‘Developing Social Applications with SharePoint 2010’
  • Day 3 from the Bamboo Booth
  • ‘Preparing for SharePoint 2010 and Real World Experiences’ with Paul Grimley
  • Daniel McPherson on ‘The Wisdom in Your Crowds’
  • Michael Noel on ‘Planning Extranet Environments with SharePoint 2010’
  • ‘Understanding the Steps Necessary for Building an Information Architecture for your Organization’ with your Host, Bill English
  • Matt Groves Asks ‘Office365, is it a Viable Option for You?’
  • Symon Garfield Shares ‘The Secrets of Successful Enterprise Social Computing with SharePoint 2010’
  • ‘SharePoint in the Cloud: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly’ with Paul Turner
  • Day 1 from Best Practices London: SharePoint and Celebrity Sightings!
  • ‘Best Practices for Organizing Documents in SharePoint 2010’ with Agnes Molnar
  • ‘SharePoint 2010 Developer’s Mythbusters’ with Mirjam van Olst
  • BPCUK Keynote Chris Johnson, Microsoft Senior Technical Product Manager, SharePoint