Bamboo, ECM, and the Microsoft WPC 2011

As a company whose business is attached directly to Microsoft and SharePoint, Bamboo Solutions is eagerly preparing for Microsoft’s premier partner event.  Every year, the Worldwide Partner Confereence (WPC) gives our representatives the chance to connect with a “who’s who” of the SharePoint community – the MVP’s, the pundits, the rising stars and, just as importantly, it puts us in touch with our own key partners and partner candidates.  Like many companies, we travel far and wide to establish and nurture key relationships.  WPC is a welcome alternative – thousands of potential contacts brought together in a relaxing venue (L.A.), and encouraged  a collaborative environment fostered Microsoft.  Finally, the WPC offers Bamboo an important glimpse into the “State of SharePoint.”  In addition to Microsoft’s actual SharePoint roadmap, this includes growth and innovations in the market itself.  Most importantly, attending the WPC allows us to validate business assumptions concerning emerging applications among major SharePoint customers.  SharePoint is one of the fastest growing technical markets in the world.  It can sometimes feel as if the very moment you think you’ve got a handle on where the market is, it’s moved another ten steps ahead!  Bamboo values the WPC as one of those critical opportunities to keep our finger on the pulse of the SharePoint phenomenon.

On a more tactical note, you may have noticed that Bamboo has taken steps to move more aggressively into the ECM market.  This is in response to an enthusiastic upturn in our customer base around using SharePoint to stand up new ECM projects and to replace costly legacy systems.  Increasingly, Bamboo customers have leveraged Knowledge Base Accelerator, Workflow Conductor, and dozens of component Web Parts to enable issue tracking, knowledge management, tasking, and other ECM-related applications.  To underscore our commitment to ECM on SharePoint, we just co-sponsored the latest AIIM survey, Using SharePoint for ECM.  We’ve set a special goal for ourselves at the WPC to spread the word concerning “Bamboo and ECM,” collect ideas and insights into this growing market, and collaborate with our friends and partners on attacking the market head on.

As we speak, I’m furiously arranging meetings through Microsoft’s Connect function but I encourage folks to track me down on the show floor, or to reach out to me directly if you’d like to sit down and discuss exciting developments at Bamboo:

Director of Enterprise Sales | Bamboo Solutions Corporation
Cell: 703.963.0635 | Direct: 703.964.2010 | Main: 703.964.2002
11417 Sunset Hills Rd. Suite 105 | Reston, VA 20190

I look forward to meeting as many people as possible at the WPC, and hope to see you there!