Bamboo Customer Satisfaction Survey to Launch Next Week

About a month ago, I blogged about Bamboo’s commitment to customer service and mentioned that we’d soon be launching a customer satisfaction survey. I’m pleased to announce that we are now on the verge of rolling out the survey.  Beginning next week, Bamboo’s support customers will receive an invitation to participate in a survey on our website. That invitation will be sent to each and every customer upon the closure of their support ticket.

We’ll be measuring important drivers of satisfaction such as response time, quality, and speed to resolution, as well as courtesy and overall knowledge of our support engineers.  The data we collect through your participation in the survey will inform changes in our support process.

Your feedback is critical.  By taking a few minutes to complete the survey, you will help Bamboo identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in our support organization.  My promise to you is that I will not only read every comment personally but that we will take action based on what you are telling us.

Here is a sneak preview of the survey that our support customers will begin receiving invitations to participate in beginning next week:

I recognize that your time is valuable, and thank you in advance for taking the time to provide Bamboo with your feedback.