Bamboo at the WPC: Almost as Famous as Steve Ballmer!

OK, maybe "almost as famous as Steve Ballmer" is a bit of a stretch, but despite the fact that we're not formally exhibiting at this year's WPC, and with thanks to our marketing team and our very bright, eye catching t-shirts, people at the conference aren't having any trouble locating us.  We've had people ask, "Do we get a prize for spotting four of you today?" as well as just a lot of hellos from familiar faces around the SharePoint ecosystem.  It's great to be able to talk to both partners and customers about the latest and greatest from Bamboo, and with all the cloud and 2010 buzz, it's never hard to find a topic to talk about.  Today we had several productive meetings with Partners, including Organice, who work frequently with our List Bulk Import tool during the implementation of their various engineering projects.  Like Bamboo, they've come to the WPC to hear from Microsoft about the cloud and how it will impact their business, along with taking advantage of the opportunity to connect with partners from all over the world.

After a busy morning of meetings yesterday, it was, of course, time for lunch, so we stepped across the street to Acadiana, which is definitely worth making a trip into D.C. for – authentic New Orleans-style seafood.  We were happy to have our good friend Owen Allen join us for lunch.  We were saddened to learn last week that Owen is transitioning from his current role in the SharePoint ISV Partners team at Microsoft, but stay tuned for what will no doubt be exciting news from him, because it sounds like Owen is most definitely staying in the SharePoint space.

After a quick stop by the U.S. Partner lounge for ice cream (every day there is some yummy treat there), it was time for a couple more meetings and then back to the hotel to catch up on emails and get some rest because Wednesday would be another a jam-packed day, starting with the keynote (Bill Clinton is speaking!) and ending with the U.S. Partner Party at the Newseum, so stay tuned for more WPC coverage.  And if you are here at WPC and spot us in our shirts, please come and say "hi"!