Bamboo and Enterprise Content Management: News from the Major Accounts Team

Bamboo recently helped sponsor an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) survey hosted AIIM. We thought it was time to discuss this topic in more detail. It should come as no surprise to the folks who have used our Knowledge Base Accelerator (KBA) that we’ve been keen on, kicking up SharePoint’s Knowledge Management capabilities for some time now. KBA provides a critical “self-service” component that can answer user questions and track both questions and answers. We recently extended this capability by “snapping together” KBA, Workflow Conductor, and other components using our framework concept. With the initial concept, Bamboo’s customer base enthusiastically adopted the concept and began showing us how they were creating solutions related to legal issue/request management, change management, and other classic “case management” solution implementations. SharePoint is perfect for this automation of “frontline” business tasks.  (Note: Frontline business tasks are a concept that will be discussed during my presentation at the upcoming SharePoint  Saturday: The Conference.

Need from SharePoint” at SharePoint Saturday: The Conference in (August 11-13 in Annandale, VA.). Our session is scheduled on Friday, August 12, from 11:00 a.m. -12:15 p.m.

If you would like to see how this solution can work for your organization, please contact Bamboo’s major account group at

Julie Auletta
re: Bamboo and Enterprise Content Management: News from the Major Accounts Team
on Fri, Jul 15 2011 4:38 PM

We also have a webinar scheduled next week (July 20) that will discuss our Knowledge Management solutions, so if you are interested please contact us.