Announcing Workflow Conductor 2.5 for SharePoint 2007

While most of the world is wondering what Microsoft’s upcoming “Office 15” will bring to SharePoint, there are a lot of companies out there that are still stuck in a SharePoint 2007 world. We at Bamboo haven’t forgotten about them. That’s why I’m happy to announce Workflow Conductor 2.5 is now available for SharePoint 2007! Here’s a quick rundown of the brand new features you can bring to your not-quite-brand-new SharePoint environment:

  • New Workflow Template Features – Designers can now decide whether each of their workflow templates is shared with everyone else in the organization, or is private and can only be seen them. There is also an additional section for “Featured Templates” that administrators can control to promote company-sponsered templates.  

  • Advanced Error Handling – Error handling can now be set at the individual widget level. This means that skipping a step or cancelling a workflow is now a granular decision. More importantly, cancelling and skipping are not the only options anymore. Now, workflows can be “paused” when they encounter errors. Once the underlying cause of the error is fixed, the workflow can be restarted at the same same step where it left off.
  • Create Column – We already had the ability to add a predefined site column to a list using Add Column, but now we’ve upped the ante with a new Create Column widget. This one lets you add any standard SharePoint column to a list ort library, and define each of the columns settings using workflow logic.
  • Move Item – Want to move something to another list or library? Now you can do it in one clean step. Just define what’s getting moved, and where it’s going.
  • Subscribe User to Alert – You can already create/manage users with Workflow Conductor. Now you can let them know when things happen subscribing them to alerts for lists and items.
  • New Conditional Logic – Now you can branch your workflow in even more ways. We’ve added the following conditional checks:
    • Is a role assigned to a user
    • Is a date/time within a date range
    • Is a user a member of a SharePoint group
    • Is a user a member of an Active Directory group
  • Request Feedback (updated) – OK. This widget isn’t completely new, but we have added a pretty cool new option. Instead of waiting for feedback from everyone before this widget completes, you can define how many of the reviewers need to complete the step. Want to assign a bunch of people, but only need a few responses? You can do that now.

In addition to the new features, we also spent a lot of time zapping bugs in this release, including a fix for an issue some users were having Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete misbehaving. If you’re still on SharePoint 2007, and you want to see what 2.5 has to offer, download a free 30-day trial version of Workflow Conductor.