Announcing Workflow Conductor 2.1 for SharePoint 2010

I’m happy to announce that Workflow Conductor 2.1 for SharePoint 2010 has just been released and is now available for download. Despite being labeled a “minor” release, this one comes with a lot of new/improved features, including:

  • Configurable Per-widget Task Emails – Various task emails for “Request Approval,” “Request Feedback,” and “Collect Data from User” can now configured separately for each widget, including task-specific lookups (ex. “Task Description”). Default email content can be defined in Central Administration.
  • Support for Bamboo Custom Columns – Workflow Conductor now supports reading from and writing to various Bamboo Custom Columns.
  • Redesigned Studio Toolbar – Workflow Conductor Studio features an improved Ribbon-style menu for easy workflow configuration and deployment. There is also a tab for accessing configured site navigation elements/breadcrumbs.
  • Updated Studio Settings UI – The right pane settings interface in Studio has been cleaned up and now better supports workflow design on smaller resolution screens. The left “widget” pane is a little smaller too, saving even more space.
  • Improved Lookups – “Site Collection” properties in widgets can now be defined using lookups to stored values. “Current List” has been added as an option to the dropdown menu for lookups.
  • Increased Widget Scope – The following widgets now support lookups to other Site Collections/Sites/Lists:

    • Set Field Value
    • Add Column
    • Repeat for Each Item
  • Custom/Blank Site Creation – “Create Site” now supports Bamboo custom site templates and “blank” templates.
  • Custom Database Names – The Workflow Conductor database now supports custom naming, allowing multiple instances of the database to reside on a single SQL Server.

In case you’re wondering what’s next, the team is currently hard at work porting these features into a new 2.1 build for SharePoint 2007, which should be out around the end of November. After that, it’s on to the next “big” release. Stay tuned to Bamboo Nation for more details on that.

For now, point your browser to the product page to download a free 30-day trial, or check out one of our free Webinars (Hurry! The next one is tomorrow!) to learn more about Workflow Conductor.