Announcing Workflow Conductor 1.6

I know, I know. You’re still not done playing with all of the great new features Bamboo introduced a few months ago in Workflow Conductor 1.5. Well, get ready for even more good stuff, because Workflow Conductor 1.6 is available now for SharePoint 2007 & 2010. Here’s a quick run down of what’s new in 1.6:

New Feature
Insert Site, List, and Field name Lookups as part of other Lookups – You could always select from available sites and lists when using External Lookups. Now you can enter site, list, and field names that don’t exist yet at design time. Is your mind stuck in an infinite loop of possibilities? Pretty cool, huh?

New Widgets
Collect Data from User – This widget “auto-magically” creates forms to be filled out mid-workflow users, creates a task for it, and notifies them of that task. You define the data, they fill it in, you use in your workflow.
Create SharePoint Group – Automatically create groups, then add and remove people as needed using our other “SharePoint Group” widgets, such as…
Remove User from SharePoint Group – The “Yin” (or would it be the “Yang”?) to our existing “Add User to SP Group” widget.
Remove User from AD Group – The “Heads” (or is it “Tails”?) to our existing Add User to AD Group” widget. What good is a security group with the ability to remove people that don’t belong?

New Conditions
If Date Ranges Overlap – Define two sets of dates/times, and see if they overlap. Great for resource scheduling and task management.
If Date Ranges Do Not Overlap – Define two sets of dates/times, and see if they … um …  don’t overlap. OK. I probably didn’t really need to explain that one.

In addition to all of these features, we’ve made plenty of other updates to Workflow Conductor, like rearranging central settings to make configuration a little easier, squashing some minor-but-annoying general bugs, and adding even more UI and performance improvements. Can’t wait to get your hands on all of this ooey, gooey, workflowy goodness? You’re in luck. You don’t have to wait. Download your free 30-day trial of Workflow Conductor 1.6 now, and see what Workflow Conductor can do for you.