Announcing the Release of Time Tracking and Management 1.7 for SharePoint 2010

UPDATE: Time Tracking and Management 1.7 is also now available for SharePoint 2013.

I’m pleased to announce that Time Tracking and Management (TTM) 1.7 for SharePoint 2010 is now available for download. The new release provides a host of improvements, most of which are the direct result of customer feedback.

Here’s what’s new in version 1.7:

Provide the option in the Timesheet Entry Web Part for users to either collapse or not collapse all the Project Name groups – You told us that when you have a lot of projects to track time against, you’d like to see the items collapse.

Provide the option in the Report Center Web Part for the administrator to give access to users so that they may access the reports – In 1.6, the Report Center could only be accessed by users who have full control of the site. In this release, we provide the flexibility for the administrator to give access to members who need to have access to generate the reports. This new feature is also due to feedback from our customers.

Add the “View Report” button next to the Date Range for the Report Center – The report is not generated until a user clicks on the “View Report” button. Again, based on customer feedback, TTM 1.7 does not display the report data until you choose to generate the report by clicking on the View Report button.

Add shortcut to the Report Center on the left navigation – There was more than one step to get to the Report Center in 1.6. In this release, we display the Report Center on the left navigation to make it more convenient. Once again, this is based on the comments from our customers.

If you are new to SharePoint and have the need for a time management tool, try out Time Tracking Management on our sandbox, and/or sign up for a free webinar. TTM 1.7 for SharePoint 2013 will be available soon.

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