Announcing the Release of Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint R1.5

If you’re close to my age (or older), you can probably recall taking a class in college that was so hard you had to tape the daily lecture so you could listen to it over and over in order to accurately capture the information in your notes. Professors can probably recall how students would frequently place their cassette recorders on the front desk or podium to record the lectures. (Remember, there were no magical iPhones at the time to record lectures on video.) I vividly recall having to do just that in my college Physiology class.

Do these images bring back memories?

Well, here’s some good news for all of the professors, trainers, subject matter experts, and students out there. I’m delighted to announce the release of Discussion Board Plus R1.5 for SharePoint 2010, with which you can easily share both video and audio recordings. Not only can you can share the video, but others can add comments and rate the content. And those who participate in the forum discussions can choose to automatically receive email alerts without having to log back into the site.

Here are the high level features included in the new release:

Insert video into the topic or post:

Automatically subscribe authors to receive email alerts:

As always, we welcome your feedback! You can try out the free 30-day trial download today.


More on Discussion Board Plus 1.5: