Announcing the Release of Cross-Site Display Web Part for SharePoint 2013

If you’re using SharePoint for collaboration, documentation, knowledge management, and/or project management, there are undoubtedly times when you would like to be able to see documents, tasks, and some specific lists that reside on a site other than the one you’re in. In other words, you want to be able to retrieve and display the data from another location while still preserving the presentation views that were so painstakingly constructed. In short, what I’m talking about is the familiar and much-loved concept of “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG). For example, as a product manager, I upload sales datasheets and additional documentation to our product department site to share with others. The Sales team wants to have this data at their fingertips while they are talking with our customers. However, they don’t necessarily want to have to bookmark or remember the URL. With Cross-Site Display Web Part, you can accomplish all of this with ease, and now, Bamboo has brought the indispensable functionality of Cross-Site Display Web Part to SharePoint 2013.

Here is an example. I want to show the SharePoint tasks and documents that the engineering team is tracking on my site. With some simple configuration in the tool pane, I can display and get to the data and files, and, the information will remain up-to-date as members of the engineering team are updating them:
As with our other products, the Cross-Site Display Web Part is available for a 30-day free trial. Check it out, and let us know what you think.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements:

  • Alert Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Alerts Administrator for SharePoint 2013
  • Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Column Level Security for SharePoint 2013
  • Cross-Site Display Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • In/Out Schedule Board for SharePoint 2013
  • KPI Column for SharePoint 2013
  • List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2013
  • List Print for SharePoint 2013
  • List Rollup for SharePoint 2013
  • List Search Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Lookup Selector Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Mini-Calendar for SharePoint 2013
  • My Alerts Organizer for SharePoint 2013
  • Navigators for SharePoint 2013
  • Password Change for SharePoint 2013
  • PM Central for SharePoint 2013
  • Project Portfolio Dashboard for SharePoint 2013
  • Rating Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Rich Text Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Task Master for SharePoint 2013
  • Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013
  • Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • User Account Setup for SharePoint 2013
  • Visual Indicator Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Validator Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2013