Announcing the Release of Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013

Most of us can visualize data and measure any associated trending and changes much better through charts and graphs. For example, using Web analytics to compare the page views between West Coast and East Coast users for the same page, the revenues for the products that we sold monthly, or KPIs with project tracking. Chart Plus Web Part provides our customers with exactly those types of benefits, which is why it’s one of our top sellers and has seen a big demand for its availability for SharePoint 2013. Again, I’m pleased to announce that Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013 is now available for trial or purchase.

Here’s the Chart Plus Functionality Comparison to the out-of-the-box Chart for SharePoint 2013:

Here’s an example of Chart Plus Web Part, highlighting the dynamic change from a bar chart to a line chart on-demand in SharePoint 2013, which is one of our favorite features:

Want to learn more, or check it out to see how beneficial Chart Plus can be for your organization? Download the free 30-day trial here. If you don’t have a SharePoint 2013 environment set up yet, try it out on our sandbox. To find out more information about this product, or other future releases for SharePoint 2013, visit the Bamboo is readying for SharePoint 2013 page.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements:

  • Alert Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • KPI Column for SharePoint 2013
  • List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2013
  • List Print for SharePoint 2013
  • List Search Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Mini-Calendar for SharePoint 2013
  • My Alerts Organizer for SharePoint 2013
  • Navigators for SharePoint 2013
  • PM Central for SharePoint 2013
  • Project Portfolio Dashboard for SharePoint 2013
  • Rating Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Task Master for SharePoint 2013
  • Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Visual Indicator Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2013