Announcing Chart Plus 3.0 – Packed with New Features and Enhancements

We recognize that the graphical representation of your data is important to any business, in part because it helps your company make informed decisions quickly.  With that in mind, I’m proud to announce the release of Chart Plus 3.0 for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010. The new major release is packed with new features and enhancements, many of which were taken directly from the feedback of our existing customers.

New Features:

  • Use Intelligent Labels to reduce data-point clutter and make your chart more readable.
  • Allow end users to print or export a copy of the chart to Microsoft Excel.
  • Change chart orientation:

  • Customize color-coding, chart skin, and text formats without CSS coding.
  • Interactive reports that let you quickly and dynamically change a line chart to a bar chart or a pie chart to a line chart (and back again):

  • Position your chart title at the top, bottom, left, or right.
  • Let your chart size dynamically adjust to fit the space assigned to the Web Part.
  • Specify legend location and arrange legend items horizontally or vertically.
  • Customize the start and end values for the X- and Y-axis, resulting in improved chart readability and scale.
  • Preview chart based on your settings prior to save and exit from the tool pane.
  • Approximate and plot empty values as dotted lines, allowing realistic estimates for missing or future data points:


  • Customize legend values from the default category and series names in the data source:

and many more…

Now that you’ve seen the value of using Chart Plus as a data visualization tool in SharePoint, transforming your data into business intelligence reports, why not give it a try with our free 30-day trial? Don’t have time to do the install and configuration of a trial? No problem, we’ve already got it set up for you in a Bamboo sandbox.