Announcing the Release of Bamboo Quick Add SharePoint App for Task Lists

I’m thrilled to announce the release of our Bamboo Quick Add SharePoint App for task lists. As a project manager, during meetings, I have always jotted down all of the action items that team members are required to get done for the project. It didn’t matter if they were written in my notebook, on a notepad, or on a spreadsheet, but I frequently wished that there was a way to quickly create those items all at once instead of having to create one item at a time. I figured that other project managers would like to have a tool like that too. With that in mind, I worked with our engineering team to create this new app, which is simple and easy to use. You can either type in all of the items in the empty box or copy and paste them from other files (Notepad, Excel, Word, etc.). With one click, they are all added as individual items, and numbers are unlimited (1 item, 100 items, or more as needed). Later on, you can go back and assign the owners to those tasks at your leisure.

It’s as simple as that.

Items are entered and separated into a space:

Or, items are entered and separated into a semi-colon (;):

Try out Bamboo Quick Add SharePoint App via Microsoft’s SharePoint App Store. If you’re planning to attend the Microsoft SharePoint conference in Vegas from March 3-6, come see us in booth #303 and let us demo this app (and other exciting new apps!) for you. We would love to get comments from you, as well as learn what other needs you have to we may fill.