Add a New Language Pack to Community Central in SharePoint 2013 and 2010

The latest release of Bamboo’s Community Central offers a host of new features and customization options. One of the new features included is site templates for different languages including German, Russian, and Arabic. In the event that you need to have even more languages, have no fear, for this post is here to help!  In this article, we’ll show you how to build a new language for Community Central.

Some items worth noting before you begin:

  • In this article, we have chosen to add a language in SharePoint 2013 using the SharePoint 2013 language pack.
    • Please note that if you are using SharePoint 2010, all steps are exactly the same.
  • Bamboo Community Central has 3 templates: Community Central Home, Blog Home, and Forum Home template.

In this post, we will be adding the language to a site that utilizes the Community Central Home template.

Adding a New Language Pack to Community Central:

1. To begin, purchase and download the Community Central application and extract it to a folder (for this example we have downloaded the following version: SA15.R1.1.20.SP2013.SP).

2. Open the folder SA15.R1.1.20.SP2013.SPmisc.  You will see that there are 12 .wsp files in the folder. Pick one of the files.

3. After you have picked a file, rename the .wsp to a .cab, then extract the file to the folder

4. Next, you will need to define the language that you will be adding. To accomplish this, you will first need to locate the ID (LCID) and code of the language. In this example, we will be creating a package for the French language. For the French language, the LCID is 1036 and the code is fr-FR.

5. Once you have established the LCID and code, change the English code (en-US) for all of the folders to the appropriate language code (in this case, the French code fr-FR.

6. Next, open the file named manifest.xml

  • Change the path of featuremanifest in the Element attribute to fr-FR instead of en-US
  • Copy the GUID and paste it into the SolutionId of the manifest file.
  • Your result should look similar to this:
    • C:> cd C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7Tools
    • C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7Tools>guidgen.exe
  • Once the GUID tool is open, select option #4Registry FormatChange the SolutionId. As a note, the SolutionId is an identity of the solution and is tracked/identified as a unique GUID.
  • To create a GUID for your SolutionId, open the GUID Tool from Visual Studio or type a command into the command line tool

7. Go to the folder named and open the file feature.xml

  • Much like you did above in step 6, create a new GUID and paste it into the id attribute of the feature.
    • Make sure to also change all of the path text en-US to fr-FR.
  • Rename the file resources.en-US.resx in the resources folder

8. Go to the folder and open the feature.xml

  • Much like you did in the steps above, create a new GUID and paste it into the id attribute of the feature.
    • Make also to also change all of the path text en-US to fr-FR
  • Open the file element.xml. Search and replace all text with the current language code for English(1033) to the language code for the language you will be adding.
    • In this case, we will be replacing 1033 with 1036 (the language code for French).
  • Rename the file resources.en-US.resx in the resources folder

9. Go to the folder and open the feature.xml

  • Much like you did in the steps above, create a new GUID and paste it into the id attribute of the feature.
    • Make sure to also change all of the path text from en-US to fr-FR.

10. Open the folder

  • Rename the folder Bamboo.Central.R1.en-US to
  • Rename the file resources.en-US.resx in the resources folder
  • Open the file feature.xml and change the value of the following attributes:
    • Id: Similar to what you did in the steps above, create a new GUID and paste it into the text
    • Title: Change the title to your desired new title name
    • Change all instances of en-US to fr-FR

11. Open the folder and open the file onet.xml

  • Change all instances of en-US to fr-FR

12. Open the folder Bamboo.Central.R1.Modules and open the file feature.xml

  • Similar to what you did in the steps above, create a new GUID and paste it into the Id of the feature
  • Change all instances of en-US to fr-FR
  • Rename the file resources.en-US.resx in the resources folder
  • Open the file element.xml. Search and replace all text with the current language code for English(1033) to the language code for the language you will be adding.
    • In this case, we will be replacing 1033 with 1036 (the language code for French).

13. Once you have completed the steps above, the next step is to re-package the folder as a SharePoint Solutions Package (.wsp).

  • Open IZArc and click New Archive on the menu and type the archive name (file name) in the file dialog. In this case, we’ll be using the file name ““.
  • In the Add Files window, select the folder
    • Under Options, check the box marked Include sub-folders.
    • Under Archiving Type, select CAB. When it comes to packaging the folder to .wsp, there are many available options and tools available.
  • For this article, I will show you how to package the folder using the online application IZarc. Please note that the instructions below may differ slightly based on what program you use to package the folder.
  • You will now have a cab file with the name
  • In order to prepare the cab file for deployment, you will need to rename it as a .wsp –

14. To deploy the solution package to your SharePoint farm, open the SharePoint Manage Shell and type the following command:


Install-SPSolution -Identity -GACDeployment -force

Enable-SPFeature -Identity ACA55FB3-8C1B-4372-B8D5-2F0CEDF29122 -URL http://[ServerName]/ -force

15. You are now able to create a Community Central with the French language.