A SharePoint Conference Rookie Gets Schooled at SHARE 2013

As I set out to travel to Atlanta for the SHARE Conference last week, I thought that I was prepared.  Granted, most of my packing happened at midnight before my morning flight, and I managed to forget my phone charger on the kitchen counter, but I got to the conference hotel in time to help set up the Bamboo booth, and that’s what counts.  In the exhibition hall, we placed our promotional panda giveaways in perfect symmetry, and our product brochures were positioned for the perusal of SHARE attendees. We were ready!


Going into what was my first time working a SharePoint conference, I had a couple goals in mind: network with as many attendees as possible, and keep a close eye on the Augusta leaderboard.  Being as this was my first SharePoint conference, I honestly didn’t have many expectations.  I had assumed I would spend my days informing attendees about Bamboo and our products; as it turned out, I got schooled. Whenever I got a chance to sneak away from the booth, I found myself sitting in on different sessions and learning what really mattered to SharePoint business users.

One session after the next, speakers stressed the importance of getting down to a solution rather than focusing on the requirements at large. I should point out that my own inclination has always been to start figuring out the requirements, and then backtracking to see which product offering would best fit the needs of my client. What I learned at SHARE, however, was that digging deeper and understanding the logic behind a given process, I would be able to better consult my clients and ultimately offer the best solution to suit their needs.

I look forward to taking what I learned at SHARE and putting it into practice at my day-to-day job as an account manager here at Bamboo.

Want even more SHARE Conference 2013?  Check out the complete series in the links

    the News: Bamboo has Landed in Atlanta
    Recap: Day One
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