5 Things you will want to see from Bamboo at SPTechCon in Austin + free passes and discount codes!

Well, just around the corner is our return to SPTechCon in Austin Texas, February 10-13 (https://www.sptechcon.com/west), and there are five things that you will want to see at our booth.

  1. Project Management for Office 365.  This new product from Bamboo takes key functionality from our Server product and makes it now available for Office 365.  Project Portfolios,  Project Templates, Resource Tracking, Email Notifications, Reporting, Time Shifting, and so many other features make this product a must-see at SPTC.  (Remember our Cloud parts work not only in Office 365 but also on SharePoint 2013, 16, and 19 on-premises)
  2. Parent-Child Cloud Part – Ever tried to turn SharePoint lists into a relational database?  Well, now you can with our new Parent-Child Cloud Part.  Create amazing applications by easily linking lists together to build relationships between your data.  For example, associate a vendor list with an orders list and an orders list with a payment list.  You have to see this to believe it!
  3. Bamboo Services – Learn about our SharePoint Services team that has been helping customers with all things SharePoint.  Health checks, Migrations, Help Desk, and Solution building  – we do it all and have a team that is ready to support you.
  4. Meet Marco Gomez – Marco is our Product Owner and has great plans for 2019.  Come talk with him about our Server and Office 365 product road maps or quiz him on what inspired him to create the Parent-Child product!  He will also be delivering a session deploying apps in Office 365
  5. See Grooper in action.  Through a partnership with Business Imaging Systems, Bamboo is bringing the best document migration tool to SharePoint and Office 365.  Have a lot of documents that need to be cleaned up before they are migrated?  We are talking about OCR, Categorization, Redacting, and Extracting, all done with the intelligence of advanced AI.  You need to see us at the Bamboo booth and talk with us about Grooper – you have never seen anything like this for SharePoint, and you don’t want to let this one get away!

Contest Announcement:  We are giving away 20, yes, 20, one-year subscriptions to either Bamboo Business E1 or PMC Cloud E1 to companies that stop by our booth and swipe their badge.

We look forward to seeing you at the show!