5 Reasons to Love SharePoint

“You’re nobody till somebody loves you.”

Several dozens of musicians have crooned these lyrics before and now we’re following suit. The statement might be a gross exaggeration and is certainly overused, but it couldn’t be truer in the B2B world: No product would be able to remain on the market if the consumers didn’t love it for one reason or another. The following five points sum up why the Bamboo Team loves SharePoint…after all this time.

1. It brings people together

SharePoint® offers a platform where team members can virtually interact. Its structure fosters collaboration which is, as we all know, the staple of the modern workforce. If you work with Community Central, you know you can rely on your SharePoint environment to boost team engagement and networking.

2. It fosters the spirit of sharing

Uploaded to SharePoint for everyone to see, no document will remain inaccessible, thus no team member will be out of the loop. Alerts allow you to spread the joy even to those members who don’t regularly consult with SharePoint for project updates. With its intuitive structure, Project Management Central offers the whole package to make document sharing and organization faster and more efficient. When you know, you know, right?

3. It will go wherever you go

Accessibility on the go makes working together simpler and easier for all team members. In an increasingly mobile world and work life, the ability to access your SharePoint environment will be incredibly helpful. Although mobile access is still a work in progress, Microsoft is committed to making it work.

4. It makes you feel safe

With all that data shared in SharePoint, it would be a shame if you felt like your information is not safeguarded. But worry not, for Column Level Security allows you to encrypt your data and
determine which team members have the right to view or edit documents. So relax and enjoy the comfort of knowing that your information is protected.

5. It gives you what you’re looking for

All the benefits of SharePoint would be compromised if the shared information were not easy to find for anyone, at any time. The platform’s powerful search functions empower you to locate exactly
what you’re looking for. You’ll have a match even faster, using Simple or Advanced Search. If looks matter to you, these tools are guaranteed to catch your eyes with their straightforward, appealing interfaces.

We could go on, but we don’t want to get too sappy. We love working with SharePoint and creating solutions to enhance its capabilities because we witness its potential and usefulness every day, for
over a decade. We hope you feel this way too.

Why do you love SharePoint?