This Week in Bamboo (March 6th, 2011 – March 12th, 2011)

Data-Viewer Web Part 3.2 was released, with some new features, to the storefront this week for SharePoint Foundation and SharePoint Server 2010.  See our Product Manager’s blog post for more details on the new release 3.2 of Data-Viewer Web Part.  We also fixed some bugs and released the patches of Bamboo Validator Column, List Bulk Import and List Bulk Export for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.  Please see below for a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations and known issues about the patches.

SharePoint 2007 Products:

HW41E Bamboo Validator Column Release 1.3.8


• Use the new setup program.
• Use merged assembly and deploys Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi. 

SharePoint 2010 Products:

HW41E Bamboo Validator Column Release 1.3.15


• Use the new setup program.

HW37 Data-Viewer Release 3.2.29


• Allow users to edit items in Datasheet mode. To turn this feature on, select Allow Edit in Data Sheet in the section Dynamic Settings of the Web Part Tool Pane.
• Use new setup program.

Bug Fixes:

• In the SharePoint Log File, the user will see the error: Detected use of SPRequest for previously closed SPWeb object.
• Connected to a SQL 2005 Table or View: Conditional Format fails for columns of type Date.

Known Issues:

• The current release of Data-Viewer Web Part does not support migration from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010.
• Connected to any source with Nested Data: Expanding and collapsing a Nested Data set causes an extra line to appear when using skin Web20.
• Connected to SQL Table or View with Default Group By or Dynamic Grouping: If the SQL column contains a special character, the Web Part returns an error message.
• After initially configuring the Web Part to use Asynchronous Mode, must navigate away from the page for the data to show for the first time.


• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains text surrounded tag characters (i.e.. <…>), the text will clear upon saving.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains hyperlinks, the hyperlinks are lost upon saving the changes.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: When users are modifying a cell of the following Column Types, the users will see the raw data instead of the formatted data. Upon navigating away from the cell, the format will be displayed correctly.

• Choice (Checkboxes)
• Lookup (Both Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• Multiple Lines of Text (Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text Modes)
• Person or Group (Single or Multiple Selection modes)

• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: Viewing or modifying columns of type Hyperlink or Picture displays only the Description text. User is not able to modify the URL.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: Viewing or modifying columns of type Multiple Lines of Text-Plain Text mode removes line breaks. If user modifies the column and saves changes, line breaks are removed from original column text.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode and Datasheet mode: Columns of type Business Data are not supported in Inline Edit Mode and Datasheet mode and as a result are hidden in the two modes.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode: Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text modes display HTML tags. Alternatively use the Content Editor in Datasheet mode.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode: Columns of type Lookup with Multiple Selections is not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode: No support for the following Bamboo Custom Columns:

• Bamboo Column Level Security
• Bamboo Lookup Selector
• Bamboo Rich Text
• Bamboo Validator

• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet mode: All Bamboo Custom Columns are not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List with Export to Excel: Column display names with special characters are formatted incorrectly in the resulting Excel column headers.
• Connected to SharePoint List with Dynamic Filtering: If the backslash “” is included in the filter string, it will be removed automatically. If Filtering on Person or Group column, Bamboo recommends using the Contains operator and enter the User Name in the value instead.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup in Inline Edit and Datasheet Mode: These modes does not support modification of Recurrence and Workspace columns.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup in Inline Edit Mode: Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text or Enhanced Rich Text, displays html tags in the field.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Export to Excel: The following columns are not formatted correctly in the resulting Excel file:

• Calculate
• Lookup (Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• Person or Group (Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name return blank values

• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Nested Data: Linking columns with multiple values for Nesting Data is not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Default Filter and Dynamic Filtering: Columns with multiple values are not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Conditional Formatting: Columns of type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text are not supported.
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Filter and Dynamic Filtering: The following column types are not supported:

• Calculate
• Date & Time
• Hyperlink or Picture
• Lookup (Multiple Selection mode)
• Number
• Person or Group (Multiple Selection mode)
• Yes/No
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name

• Connected to List Rollup with Default Filter and Dynamic Filtering: The SharePoint variable [Today] is not supported.
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Sort and Dynamic Sorting: Columns returned List Rollup are formatted in String format, as a result, columns of type Date and Time & Number are not sorted correctly.
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Sort and Dynamic Sorting: Columns Person or Group are not sorted correctly due to the data includes the profile ID.
• Connected to List Rollup with Dynamic Sorting: Using the [Me] SharePoint variable is only supported with the operators Contains and Equals.
• Connected to List Rollup with Nesting Data option: Cannot link Nested Data set based on Lookup column in Master List.
• Connected to SQL Table or View or BDC/MashPoint with Calculated Settings: In certain cases the resulting value is not formatted correctly.
• Connected to SQL Table or View with Export to Excel: Date/Time columns formatted incorrectly in Excel.
• Connected to any source using Calculated Settings: If the column that is being Calculated on is also used for grouping the data, the resulting Calculated value is shown as the last item in the grouping instead of bottom of Grid View.
• Connected to any source using Dynamic Grouping: Dynamic Grouping only occurs on the current page in the grid and does not group the full data set.
• Connected to any source using Export to Excel: Master and Nested Data sets are exported in separate Excel files.
• No resources string available to modify the text “None” in the Calculated Settings section of the tool pane.

HW18 List Bulk Import Release 2.1.42 for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010


• Uses the new setup program.

Bug Fixes:

• Failed to check for record duplication.
• Unable to import any replies of a Discussion List.
• Fix error handling to show actual error stack traces in the error log.

• Discussion Board Import: Unable to preserve the original created date of the source list. Sorting for the items of the target list is based on the newly Created Dated of the items.
• Discussion Board Import: Unable to preserve the original Created By of the source list. Created By column is updated the credential of the user who runs the Bulk Import.
• Discussion Board Import: The “Check for Record Duplication” and “Skip duplicate records” options will not work and show that data is duplicated.
• Only current versions of items are imported.  This includes Multiple Lines of Text with Append Changes to Existing Text enabled.
• List Bulk Import 64-bit edition only supports Excel 2010, else user has to save Excel file in CSV format. 

HW33 List Bulk Export Release 1.4.4 for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010


• Uses the new setup program.

Bug Fixes:

• Missing files of document after upgrading wss 2.0 to wss 3.0 


• Bulk export failure: “Error in XML document” when author field in the power point document has non-alphabet characters.