This Week in Bamboo (November 23rd, 2014 – November 29th, 2014)

A major release of Tree View Web Part Release 2.0 was released to the storefront this week with some new improved features along with many resolved bugs. Please see below for more info about the new release.

HW03 Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release R2.0.117

New Features:

• Drag and drop support for Document and Picture Libraries.
• Checkbox selection in the right pane allows dragging and dropping multiple files or folders.
• Ability to resize column width by dragging column header borders.
• Ability to select a List or Library using an absolute or relative site URL for any site collection within the same Web Application.
• Look and Feel Settings:

    • Web Part inherits the SharePoint site theme automatically.
    • Ability to choose from a selection of predefined skins to style the Web Part.
    • Ability to apply custom style settings using CSS.

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• Left pane displays a expand tree icon next to a folder containing no sub-folders when connected to a SharePoint Document and Picture Library.
• The Web Part does not display the root folder content default in the right view pane.
• The Web Part content does not automatically refresh when switching views from the toolbar.
• Selecting a folder in the right view pane navigates the user outside the Tree View Web Part page into the SharePoint list or library page.
• Web part displays an error when a list contains a Managed Metadata column.
• Creating a new folder from the toolbar does not display that folder in the left tree pane.
• Creating a new discussion board topic from the toolbar does not display that topic in the left tree pane.
• The tree does not expand if a group name contains a special character.
• The height of the vertical scroll bar in the left pane is smaller than the web part container when connected to an out-of-the-box Team Discussion list.

Known Issues:

• Connecting to Bamboo’s Discussion Board Plus as the data source displays an “object reference not set as an instance of an object” error.
• Custom CSS does not appear on the Web Part if the list contains more than 100 files and folders.
• Scrolling across the last column’s header border causes a horizontal scroll bar to appear.
• Changing the automatically expand level setting to “None” may still automatically expand the left tree pane levels.
• Left pane displays a expand tree icon next to a folder containing no subfolders (fixed for SharePoint Documents and Picture Libraries).
• The left tree nodes automatically collapse when switching between views from the toolbar.
• When accessing the web part using Internet Explorer 9, the expand/collapse icons and folders are displayed in two separate lines if the folder name contains a long string of characters. Workaround: Increase the width of the left tree pane.


• Selected files or folders row may not remain highlighted during the process of dragging and dropping.
• No hover-over color is displayed in the right view pane if the web part is configured to display Skins from the Look and Feel setting.