How to Create SharePoint 2010 Publishing Sites Using Site Creation Plus, & How to Show the Publishing Tab

Unlike SharePoint 2007, in order to surface the Publishing functionality in Share Point 2010, you will first need to activate some site collection features before you'll be able to create a site. Why use publishing sites? Among other reasons, per MSDN, "publishing sites use Publishing Features to provide capabilities to create engaging Web Content Management (WCM) sites." In this walkthrough, I will demonstrate how to create Publishing Sites using Bamboo's Site Creation Plus Web Part.

Step 1: Go to the Tool pane and select Publishing Site as your Site Template:

After clicking the Apply and OK buttons, you will see a message in red. This message tells us that we must activate certain Features before creating a site:

Step 2: Go to Site Actions > Site Settings > Site Collection Features:

Step 3: Click Active for the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure:

Step 4: Go back to the Site Creation Plus Web Part to create a Publishing site:



Normally, you cannot see the Publishing tab when creating a new site. So, I will demonstrate how to show the Publishing tab in site templates.

Step 1: Go to Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Collection Features:

Step 2: Click Active for the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure:

Step 3: Go back to create a new site, you will see the Publishing tab as follows:

Step 4: Click the Create button to create a Publishing site:


See Also: