SHARE the News: Bamboo has Landed in Atlanta

Greetings all!  After a nice early morning wake-up, a two-hour plane ride and a little jaunt on the MARTA, I’ve finally made it to the beautiful Atlanta Marriott Marquis hotel for the 2013 SHARE Conference: The SharePoint Conference for Business Users.  If you read my post last month where we were giving away free passes to some lucky Bamboo Nation readers, you’ll know that this is my first EVER SharePoint conference!  I’m very excited to be here amongst so many SharePoint MVPs and big names including keynote speaker Dux Raymond Sy, Paul Culmsee and Lt Col David Sanchez.  As an added bonus, I’ll be reporting LIVE all this week, so make sure you check back for the latest pictures, commentary and after-hour happenings as this year’s SHARE Conference.  Whether you couldn’t be here in person or you want to experience the conference through a newbies’ eyes, Bamboo is excited be your source for everything SHARE and SharePoint.

A view of the Atlanta skyline form my room up on the 27th floor.  Bellisimo!

Speaking of that lovely room of mine…. It really WAS the easiest way to get in.

Our keynote speaker and fellow attendees preparing the Innovative-e booth

Hanif Khalid of Bamboo prepping our booth before the PANDA-monium

Hanif Khalid, Julie Auletta and Rob Manfredi stop and smile before the crowds pour in

Our booth all setup and raring to go.  Make sure if you’re at the conference to stop and say “hello”!

Want even more SHARE Conference 2013?  Check out the complete series in the links